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Jonathan Isserow

Men's Experience of Fatherhood

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

This project is kindly supported by the Southlands Methodist Trust and School of Psychology, University of Roehampton, London

Fathers; masculinity, participatory research, arts based methods

The study innovatively examines an important developmental period in the formation of masculinity: when men become fathers. It uses participatory methods, consultation and creative outputs towards achieving this objective. It aims to make visible an often-hidden phenomena — that is — men's experience of becoming a father.

The site of fatherhood is of particular interest as it offers a space to explore how masculinity is negotiated and transmitted socially, along the horizontal axis as well as vertically, along the intergenerational axis. It is important to highlight that fatherhood, like masculinity, is not a homogenous group. There is a multiplicity of identities, experiences, capacities and problematics that coalesce under the rubric of 'father'. This pilot study endeavours to deepen the understanding of fatherhood today by proliferating representations of fatherhood. It explores the individual meaning-making that this experience affords. It is hoped to be a resource to other fathers, families, professionals and the wider public.


The site will be populated shortly with digital stories of men's experience of fatherhood


Digital Stories

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This site is currently under construction and will be populated by digital stories shortly. Please come back then.

This site is currently under construction and will be populated by digital stories shortly. Please come back then.


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