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Packing an Emotional Punch: Boysen Hodgson and the MKP Group, Holyoake, MA

Jonathan Isserow

There is one thing to read and speak to thought leaders around gender equity and men's mental health: it is quite another to attend a men's group and experientially understand the power and importance of men supporting men. Thanks to Boysen Hodgson, I had the unique opportunity to participate in a Man Kind Project, USA group in Holyoke, MA. Boysen is MKP's Communications & Marketing Director. and embodies principles of progressive or pro-feminist masculinities in his personal and professional life. Through Boysen I was invited to attend a two-hour group with 16 other men. I was moved to witness and experience the immense compassion and care of men loving men, in true fraternity. This was all about making safe spaces for men to have genuine emotional experiences and explorations in the company and support of other men. It was an honour and a privilege to participate. It has made me want to dive deep into MKP UK and Ireland on my return.

It brings to mind that MKP are already successfully working in the men's mental health space in predominantly face-to-face encounters which are hugely important. Rather than look to replicate this long-standing and highly productive organisation, that any intervention might augment or compliment their work. There might be other men who would find the MKP format a challenge or require a more activity-focused, shoulder-to-shoulder encounter to begin making connections, albeit indirectly. It has given me deep food for thought for personal explorations as well as professional creations. Thank you Boysen and all the men at the MKP connection group in Holyoke for your generosity. The encounter lives on in me. You can also find out more about Boysen here

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